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Friday, July 10, 2009

A second thought on cigarette smoking

cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking has been the problems of many countries today, aside from the actual air pollution, although very minimal, it can cause, it also increases the fatality rate of both first and second hand smokers.
Here in the Philippines, cigarette smoking has not been banned. Though government warnings have been posted here and there and almost everywhere, still the rampancy of it has not minimized but has set to the opposite. According to recent study, cigarette smoking has now become one of the primary causes of deaths in foreign countries. Smoking encourages heart problems which could cause early death to anyone - no exception.
We have heard a lot especially from our parents that smoking isn’t good for our health but still we see it grow in number every single day, from all walks of life, and from all ages. Varying reasons flood our way into knowing why people indulge themselves to cigarette smoking. To look cool, to fit in, and to relieve stress are just a few of these reasons.

I have been with people who smoke on a regular basis. Although some of them do such for socialization, others do so because they do not have the restraint anymore to stop. It has become their vice already. According to my brother-in-law, it takes 21 days of practice to make such practice a habit. I won’t be discussing on the ailments that cigarette smoking causes on the smokers. What I want to share is my very own father’s experience regarding this matter.
While the fact of leaving this kind of vice is not as easy as 1 2 3, it is nevertheless an impossible thing to do. My dad was a chain smoker. He could actually consume more than one big box full of cigarette packs in a day, he was able to get through and get rid of this unwanted practice. Yes, cigarette smoking is dangerous to ones health but more than that, I believe that everything is a choice – a choice whether to stay on something or to leave something. My father had a his choice, have you?

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